Alan and Rita not available to work on Sunday, so, as the weather was fine on Friday Alan decided to go in and work on the Crocker grave.
Chris had been in on Wednesday digging around the roots of the Holly tree growing out of the Crocker grave.
Alan continued with this work to exposes the roots of the tree. He then worked on the fallen cross which was trapped by the large base stone. An hour of digging and the cross was clear, it was levered out and slid to a clear area in front of the grave.
The thick mud was cleaned off revealing a lovely ornate cross in the form of a tree with a bouquet of flowers around it. It was in very good condition, after a good clean, it will look splendid.
Alan and Chris both pleased with their efforts to assist SDC to sort out the tree and for Fine Memorial to erect it back to its former glory.

Sunday 27 November
Chris and Dave in the cemetery today (27 November) working hard. Chris and Dave worked on the Jarvis grave, 4-20, which has ornate posts, the grave had become overgrown with grass and weeds and one of the kerbs had fallen over. Chris and Dave cleared the grass around the grave to expose the kerbs and loose posts, cleaned them up ready for the large base to be sorted out and the kerbs and posts to be cemented back into position.
Dave then cleaned up several graves nearby in Section 8.
Chris removed some more excess growth of weeds and brambles from around the trees lining the main entrance pathway, and trimmed small branches that were overhanging the front railings that were restricting the view and pathway for pedestrians.
Another good days work.