Rita, Alan and Dave in the cemetery today (26 May 2024), weather sunny but heavy rain forecast for midday.
Alan & Rita arrived early and agreed it was best to concentrate on tidying things up. Alan started by cleaning off the mortar on bricks that Dave had brought in during the week, and stored them by the spare landing.
Rita swept the main pathway that was covered in grass cuttings and holly leaves and had just finished when Dave arrived.
They then all made their way over to the Bradbury grave 10-39 worked on last week, Alan and Dave removed all the stone chipping that was full of grass and soil and bagged up ready for cleaning.
Rita started to clear around the tree nearby but didn’t get very far as the boys then moved over to the Southwood 14-16 a war memorial that was overgrown with weeds and grass. They remembered to take a before and after photo of their work.
In the meantime Rita had noticed besides having cut the grass last week, Bridgwater Council open spaces team had also emptied the full dumpy bags. Thank you.
Rita went over and packed and tidied the dumpy bags together neatly, and also picked up a bag of rubbish where some unknown persons had a ‘party’ as there were food packages, cans and bottles lying around.
They had just sat down for their morning cuppa when raindrops began to fall, so they made a hasty retreat for home.
Our Chairman (Miles) and Secretary (Michelle) were down from Glasgow for the weekend and met up for a committee meeting on Friday evening, it was lovely to see them. They reported that Astrid is making progress and feeling a lot better, but it will be a few weeks before she will be up and about.