Alan and Rita working in the sunny cemetery today (27 October 2024) with a visit from Astrid still on her sticks and struggling along with Felix in tow.
First job was to weed the wild flower garden, digging out the teasels and brambles and a quick tidy up before moving up to Section M.
Stopping on the way for Alan to brush the dried grass off the laid down headstones and Rita to take the ivy of the Ballinger grave C21 and remembering to take a before and after photo.
Alan cleared the Roberts M56 grave to see what could be done to improve to look of this grave with the small heavy headstone leaning to one side, the inner part of the grave sunk in toward the headstone and broken off, and the long kerbs broken and sinking down in the middle. The inner part although broken off at the headstone is whole but only about 1 ½ inches thick and no landing underneath to support the kerbs, so to try and move this could possibly result in the whole thing breaking, so the decision was that it had to be left as it was. Alan pondered on how the kerbs could be raised to make the grave look more presentable and felt this could be done by putting a row of bricks under the kerbs and cementing them back in position, but not today.

While this work was being done Rita cleared the ivy from the Fursland M31 grave remembering to take a photo when it was half done and another when finished.

Two dumpy bags had been left down at the pantomime wall filled with ivy, one only half full was brought up to where they were working the other taken to the dump area.
Having missed a couple of weeks work through rain and holiday it was nice to be back.