Biographies of soldiers killed as a result of the First World War on the website is available everyone. If you might be able to help add to these stories, or contribute more we would be very keen to hear from you.
Napoleonic Wars
George Lewis Browne 1784-1856 Royal Navy, Barrister, Magistrate
The Great Indian Rebellion 1857
Those commemorated in the cemetery who fought and died
Lieutenant William Tate Groom 1st Madras Fusiliers 1831-1857
Victorian Soldiers
Samuel Badger 1798-1871 Grenadier Guardsman
James Hurford 1822-1898 Royal Marine
Robert Valentine Sear 1847-1909 Somerset Light Infantry
John Fraser Vans Agnew 1858-1919 Major, Royal Artillery
Augustus Marinus Thomas Newswag 1866-1900 Royal Marine and Policeman
Victorian Mariners
John Sharman Laver 1852-1933 Royal Navy Mariner
William Storey c.1868-1888 Royal Navy Mariner
The Second Boer War 1899-1902
Edwin Murrant, who died in 1864 and is buried in Anglican Section C of the cemetery, was father to the notorious Harry 'Breaker' Harbord Morant (1864-1902). Harry's biography can be read here. A Bridgwater perspective can be read here. And an Australian one here.
Lieutenant Harry 'Breaker' Harbord Morant Bushveldt Carbineers 1864-1902 (See Above)
The Great War 1914-1918
To commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, the Friends have painstakingly researched all 53 servicemen either buried or remembered in the Wembdon Road Cemetery. Short biographies can be found below by just clicking on a name, each entry also displays an image of the headstone. Should you have other details, corrections or anecdotes of these heroes, especially a photograph of the serviceman or medals he was awarded we would be delighted to record them here for posterity. We have compiled and expanded all of these stories, along with several others in a new book: Bridgwater and the First World War: Stories from the Wembdon Road Cemetery (2019), which can be purchased here.
Also look at our Events page where you can follow a walking tour of the War Graves which was undertaken by our Chairman in the Spring of 2014
'They went with songs to the battle, they were young, straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted; They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them' Robert Laurence Binyon 1869-1943
For more resources on Bridgwater and the First World War, see: